Santen (SEE): Delivering Holistic Glaucoma Management

22 April 2021

Santen (SEE): Delivering holistic glaucoma management: Putting the individual at the centre of care

Time: 18:30-19:45 GMT 

This webinar is aimed at all healthcare professionals involved in the care of glaucoma patients. It will be chaired by Miss Fiona Spencer and feature presentations by Mr Michael Smith, Dr Andrew Tatham and Dr Anthony Khawaja. The faculty will discuss the concept of holistic glaucoma management and the importance of individualising care for patients, including the role of data in enabling this, as well as examining the new EGS guidelines on this topic which embody patient centricity at the core.

CPD accreditation has been applied for.

18:30 Introduction;Miss Fiona Spencer, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital

18:35 What does real-life efficacy mean in glaucoma management? Mr Michael Smith, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital 

18:50  How can we use data to individualise care? Dr Anthony Khawaja, Moorfields Eye Hospital

19:05 From theory to practice: individualised care pathways for glaucoma patients Dr Andrew Tatham, Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, Edinburgh

19:20 Panel discussion and Q&A

19:40 Summary and close Miss Fiona Spencer, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital18:30 - Introduction Fiona Spencer, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital

Registration link  

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