New Frontiers in Ophthalmology & Eithne Walls Meeting

22 June 2023

Oculo-plastics & Orbit update

New Frontiers in Ophthalmology and XIV Annual Eithne Walls Research Meeting

Registration / refreshments from 8.30am

Time: 9am - 4pm

Education and Conference Centre, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital

Chair: Mr Micheal O'Rourke, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, RVEEH

The afternoon will be devoted to the Eithne Walls Research Meeting, at which NCHDs will present their latest research in competition for the Eithne Walls Medal the Research Foundation Clinical Prize and the Aongus Curran Medal. 

Registration:  Research Foundation Office on 01-6343630 / contact Ceri O'Hagan 

Download Programme Part 1 and Part 2